Encorp has been notified that drivers have been requesting redemption centres (RCs) to remove the lids/caps from plastic bottles....
Archive for category: RC Operators
To all redemption centre operators, We wish to express our gratitude for the interest and participation in our recent...
Installations of EnSys-Connex in redemption centres (RCs) are proceeding smoothly. We have now completed the installation in a total...
The launch of the new service provider agreement for collection did not go as smoothly as hoped. Hebert’s Recycling...
Times they are a-changing, said Bob Dylan, and this year will be a biggy! The changes in effect since...
Recent changes with Encorp means the team needs to grow, and we are happy to announce that Encorp already...
Encorp is currently developing a school recycling program that will be implemented and advertised in the fall. For this...
Redemption centres are invited to an important Encorp webinar on May 24, 2023. See details below. Please RSVP by...
Attention all Redemption Centres, We are preparing to re-supply redemption centres with shipping materials (yellow shipping tags, printer label...
Our Illustrated Guide: How to Properly Sort and Bulk Non-Glass Beverage Containers instructs redemption centres to keep alcohol pouches...