In June, Encorp sent a feedback survey to redemption centre (RC) operators to ask about non-acceptable and non-refundable items...
Archive for category: RC Operators
Encorp extends its gratitude to all redemption centre (RC) operators who participated in our Quality Control (QC) Webinar on...
Encorp is preparing to launch its new school recycling program this fall. Our Recycling Heroes in School program will...
Redemption Centres Will Play an Integral Role in the New Extended Producer Responsibility Program – Consultations Coming
, RC Operators, 2023This summer has been far from uneventful at Encorp! With the many changes on the horizon regarding the April...
Hello redemption centre operators, Encorp will be launching a new school recycling program in the fall that schools across...
Dear redemption centre operators, We have an update to share on the issue of ceramic alcohol beverage containers. Alcool...
Notice to Redemption Centres – Reminder to Return Damaged Bulking Materials + Where to Obtain Clarifications Regarding Logistics
, RC Operators, 2023To all redemption centre operators, Please take note of the following information. Reminder to Return Damaged Bulking Materials A...
Attention all RC operators, Encorp is currently working on new educational materials to better explain to the public the...
A recent question received from redemption centres (RCs) is what to do with alcohol beverage steel cans. The volume...
Attention all redemption centres, Our service provider for glass beverage container pickups – Rayan – will soon add a...