The Redemption Centre (RC) Service Agreement between Encorp and RC operators was recently finalized and signed. This is the...
Tag Archive for: 2024
Encorp is proud to congratulate the first recipients of our Quality Control (QC) Accuracy Awards. Since 2023, twice per...
“Recycling Matters. Full Refunds Add Up” Campaign Gathers Momentum in New Brunswick
, Beverage Industry, 2024, Feature News ItemSince April 1, 2024, the new EPR Beverage Containers Program has brought a very exciting change for consumers: an...
Encorp is excited to celebrate the outstanding achievements of schools participating in the inaugural year of our Recycling Heroes...
Reminder to Report and Remit Deposits and Container Recycling Fees to Encorp for Sales from April 1 Onward
, Beverage Industry, 2024All beverage product brand owners with signed Brand Owner Agreements with Encorp as their agent for the EPR Beverage...
Encorp Finalizes Historic Agreement with Redemption Centres for Continued Collaboration in New EPR Program
, Beverage Industry, 2024A Redemption Centre (RC) Service Agreement was recently finalized between Encorp and RC operators to ensure the continued collection...
Hello redemption centre operators, Please be advised that the Ensure Complete, Balanced Nutrition product (see images below) should be...
Celebrating the Recycling Heroes in School Program: A Successful First Year
, Public, 2024, Feature News Item, SchoolsAs the 2023-2024 school year comes to a close, we are thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements of the...