This year on Earth Day, Encorp celebrated with the launch of collection containers for e-waste and corrugated cardboard at...
Coming in 2016! The Re-Centre depots will soon be connected to the electrical grid in order to improve reliability....
In October, we sent a survey to all Re-Centre pilot project members with active accounts. The survey’s purpose was...
Results collected from our most recent research project, Express Bag, are positive. The project introduced in late spring 2015...
Re-Centre Pilot Project Celebrates 1st Year Anniversary!
, Beverage Industry, RC Operators, Public, 2015On Saturday June 20th, Encorp held a community celebration and BBQ at the Re-Centre depot on Mountain Road in...
Encorp Atlantic is celebrating National Environment Week by launching, as of June 1st, 2015, express beverage container recycling services...
We’re proud to celebrate Earth Day – and our upcoming first anniversary since the launch of the Re-Centre pilot...
Encorp Atlantic won the Environmental Excellence Award for its Re-Centre pilot project at the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce’s...
Greater Moncton residents will now have an easier and more convenient way to recycle their empty beverage containers. That’s...