Results collected from our most recent research project, Express Bag, are positive. The project introduced in late spring 2015 in the Fredericton-Oromocto area makes use of fixed-count bags. The objective is to improve recycling rates by making recycling empty beverage containers significantly faster and more convenient for New Brunswick customers. The initial express bag being tested is a medium size 40 express bag designed to hold 40 containers that will entitle the consumer to a $2 cash payout. Customers using this free service will be given priority and will leave quickly with cash in hand. We request that participants continue to return refillable beer bottles in their original case, separate from the express service bag. Later in the trial period, we will test a larger bag with a capacity of 60 containers for a $3 payout. Participating RCs also benefit from this pilot project. Fixed-count bags are usually collected during peak times but are counted and sorted later during slower times, making efficient use of staff. So far, participating customers have been accurate with the fixed-count concept but do not have to wait in line. Stay tuned!