Reminder & Clarifications – Changes Coming at Encorp April 1, 2023

Attention all redemption centre operators. Please take note of the following reminder and clarifications regarding the changes coming at Encorp.

1-New Service Providers Starting Pickups as of Monday, April 3.

A reminder that our new service providers, Hebert’s (non-glass) and Rayan (glass), will start pickups at redemption centres as of Monday, April 3. Most important for this first pickup is ensuring that all bulk containers are tagged appropriately with Encorp yellow tags according to the sort numbers of our new Sort List. Redemption centres can use the bulking containers/supplies they currently have on hand, as explained below.

  • For your very first pickup after April 1, Hebert’s will accept non-glass sorts in either Encorp bulk bags or Rayan bulk bags. They will then replenish your stock of Encorp bulk bags accordingly.
  • Likewise, for the very first pickup, Rayan will accept glass sorts in the same Rayan tubs and Encorp bulk bags you are used to using for glass. They will then replenish your centre with the appropriate amount of tubs needed to accommodate all glass sorts.

If you are concerned you may be short of bulking containers/supplies for your first April pickup, you can request extra bulk bags and supplies from G.M. Rioux in advance of your final March pickup.

Detailed instructions on how to sort and bulk beverage containers per the changes at Encorp and our service providers were made available in the documents listed below, which were emailed to centres earlier this month. All centres should also receive printed copies by courier in the coming days. We encourage you to review these attentively with your staff. If you have questions, email us at [email protected] or call us at 506.852.1965 (Patrick Surette).

2-Clarification – Ceramic Beverage Containers

We have been made aware that Alcool NB Liquor (ANBL) has sold certain alcohol beverage products in ceramic containers. Ceramic is not an acceptable container type as per the rules and regulations of the Beverage Containers Program. We will work with ANBL to rectify this situation.

Ceramic is also a contaminant for glass and should under no circumstances be placed in tubs with glass beverage containers.

If you receive ceramic beverage containers for alcohol beverage products, you can accept them from your customers and pay them the deposit refund. However, we ask that you set them aside for now in your centre. We will be issuing a communication in a few weeks with specific instructions related to ceramic containers.

3-Clarification – Wine Box Bladders

We mentioned in our communications for April 1 that wine bladders must be removed from wine boxes and that they can be placed in the same clear plastic bag as alcohol pouches. Note that this is optional – you can choose to simply continue discarding wine bladders, or, if you want us to collect them, you can place them in the clear plastic bag with your other alcohol pouches (but do not count/include bladders as part of any total unit counts), as per instructions in our Illustrated Guide: How to Sort and Bulk Non-Glass Beverage Containers.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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