With continued operational efficiencies brought about over the last few years and a stable materials market, Encorp Atlantic was...
Archive for category: Public
Re-Express is celebrating its 1st year anniversary this summer! Encorp Atlantic has learned a lot from this pilot project and is...
Re-Centre is celebrating its 5th year anniversary this summer! Encorp Atlantic has learned a lot from this pilot project...
Encorp Atlantic and La Bikery Celebrate Earth Day with Innovative Bike Rack Near Moncton City Hall
, Public, 2019Print (PDF) Encorp Atlantic and La Bikery Celebrate Earth Day with Innovative Bike Rack Near Moncton City Hall MONCTON...
In March, Encorp Atlantic sent out an online survey to all registered Re-Express pilot project participants. We thank everyone...
The latest dashboard for Encorp Atlantic’s Re-Express pilot project has been published. This dashboard shows statistics until December 31, 2018....
This dashboard shows statistics from Encorp Atlantic’s Re-Express pilot project during its first four months. We’re pleased to see that our Re-Station...
Pauline Nowlan, Encorp Atlantic’s Accounting Clerk, recently celebrated 25 years of devoted service. When Pauline is not busy at...
Since last June, Re-Express and Re-Centre participants in the Moncton area can use a retail option called “Re-Station” located...
Congrats to Brianne Kinden and Kelsey Eatmon, the lucky winning duo of Encorp Atlantic’s Facebook Refer-A-Friend to Re-Express contest...