The New Brunswick Designated Materials Regulation states that no brand owner shall sell, offer for sale or distribute a...
Archive for category: Beverage Industry
Informational webinars are being held December 6 and 7, 2023. Go to to register for a session –...
Starting April 1, 2024, the New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program will shift to an extended producer responsibility (EPR) model,...
Information Package and Agreement to Sign – New EPR Beverage Containers Program in NB
, Beverage Industry, 2023To all brand owners selling beverage products in New Brunswick, Encorp Atlantic/Atlantique (“Encorp”) is pleased to provide this information...
Transition of New Brunswick’s Beverage Containers Program to an extended producer responsibility (EPR) model – Deposit/refund and CRF rates in effect starting April 1, 2024.
, Beverage Industry, 2023Notice to all brand owners selling beverage products in New Brunswick Subject: Transition of New Brunswick’s Beverage Containers Program...
Update on Transition of New Brunswick’s Beverage Containers Program to an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Model
, Beverage Industry, 2023Notice to All Brand Owners Selling Beverage Products in New Brunswick Subject: Update on Transition of New Brunswick’s Beverage...
Encorp launched the applications for its Community Cleanup Grants this past spring for the third year in a row...
Encorp is preparing to launch a new school recycling program this fall. Our Recycling Heroes in School program will...
Remitting Beverage Container Deposits to Encorp – Important Note About HST
, Beverage Industry, 2023A reminder to all our new distributors that Encorp does not make HST payments on taxable beverage container deposits...
Distributors Must Register as “Brand Owners” for the New EPR Beverage Containers Program
, Beverage Industry, 2023This past July, we informed distributors of the requirement to register with Recycle NB as a brand owner in...