Useful News & Information for Distributors on Encorp’s Website

Encorp has a helpful section on its website with useful news & information for distributors.

Go to and consult the pages under the “Distributors” menu to find:

  • Our latest news on the Beverage Containers Program (BCP) and all the initiatives and project we are working on to promote and improve beverage container recycling in New Brunswick.
  • All current and past issues of our seasonal Distributor’s Journal.
  • Information on the registration process for new distributors with links to all applicable forms that must be filled and sent to the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG).
  • A convenient link to the Beverage Container Registration Form. All deposit-bearing beverage products sold in New Brunswick must be registered with DELG. This includes beverage products that were not deposit-bearing in the past but now are due to changes to the Beverage Containers Program’s Exclusion Policy which came into effect on April 1, 2020.
  • Information on how taxes apply to beverage products and their deposits. Under the provincially legislated “half-back” system in New Brunswick, a tax-inclusive deposit of 10¢ is imposed on containers for non-alcoholic beverages, but only half this amount, or 5¢, is given back to a consumer on the return of the container. Only the refundable 5¢ portion of the deposit is excluded from the tax base while the other 5¢ that is not refunded to the consumer is subject to tax on the same basis as the beverage.
  • Our Deposit-Remittance Form – with options to fill electronically or to download, print, and submit a PDF – which distributors must use to report sales and submit deposits for non-alcoholic beverage containers.

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 |


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