Distributors should know that Encorp is currently working on drafting and reviewing a Redemption Centre Licensing Standards and Best Practices Manual in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) and industry stakeholders. The manual, which will be available for comments later in 2021, will be a practical reference to assist all redemption centres in meeting a series of new and revised requirements set by DELG for obtaining and maintaining a Redemption Centre operating licence. The manual will present all these required standards in an easy-to-understand manner and include best practices, tips, strategies, printable checklists and other tools for redemption centre owners and managers to enhance their business and provide the public with a consistent and reliable level of service. This is one of the many important steps necessary in our efforts to modernize the Beverage Containers’ Program network of redemption centres, and increase recycling rates throughout the province. Once all centres adhere to the new standards, Encorp will be able to work with individual centres to implement new technology to make recycling quicker, more convenient and more transparent for customers, including a Point-of-Sale (POS) system and customer self-serve technology (bag drop, reverse vending, etc.).