Notice to Redemption Centres Manually Filling Out Encorp Yellow Shipping Tags

We’ve been informed that some redemption centres have been putting two tags on bulk bags/tubs for sorts combined in the same bulk bag/tub (15/16, 17/18, 21/22, 23/24 and 25/26).

Under no circumstances should redemption centres put two separate tags on a bulk bag/tub to accommodate two sorts.

The information for the two sorts of a combined bulk bag/tub must always be inputted on ONE single tag.

Until you receive our newly designed Encorp yellow shipping tags with the two rows for sort and quantity, you can input information easily for two sorts on old version of our tags, as shown in the example below.

(Example – This illustration shows an old version of an Encorp yellow shipping tag.  Inputting data for two different sorts should be done simply by separating the data with a forward slash or line). 

Note that our scanners are set up to be able to properly manually input data from one tag with information regarding two different sorts. If a driver has issues at your centre when encountering a tag with two sorts, please advise them to immediately call Encorp (Paul Robichaud at 506.577.6651).

More information

Gilles Doucette
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]

Paul Robichaud
Senior Web Developer
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]



© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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