Notice to Redemption Centres: Alcohol Steel Cans

A recent question received from redemption centres (RCs) is what to do with alcohol beverage steel cans. The volume of alcohol beverage steel cans is very low, and they should be placed with the non-alcohol beverage steel cans in Sort 8. For each large (> 500ml) alcohol beverage steel can with a 20-cent deposit placed in a sort 8 bulk bag, RCs can add two 5-cent refund units to the total unit count on the bulk bag’s yellow shipping tag in order to be reimbursed the 10-cent refund.

A poster with this information – as a handy reminder for RC staff – is shown below. Printed copies will be sent to RCs soon by courier.

Click on image to enlarge.

More information

Gilles Doucette
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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