Encorp Preparing Modernization/Restructuring Plan for New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program

Encorp Atlantic has been working on a Modernization/Restructuring Plan for the New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program (BCP) that its Board of Directors will soon present as a proposal to the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG).

Our goals with the plan included in this proposal are to minimize the financial risks of the BCP, ensure long-term funding and to strive for excellence in how we represent the interests of distributors and consumers.

The plan is built on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principles, where the beverage product industry assumes full responsibility for the management of all post-consumer deposit-bearing containers.

We estimate that the changes we propose in this plan will increase the used beverage container recovery rate in the province – currently at 69% – to 75% in 5 years, and 80% within 10 years.  

We are ready to invest in the modernization of the BCP – including working with redemption centres owners to make improvements to their operations – provided government agrees with the changes proposed in our plan.

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | info@encorpatl.ca


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