Encorp’s ongoing Technology Research and Development Strategy is focussed on offering more accessible and convenient options for consumers looking to return/redeem their used beverage containers (UBCs).
Field trials that were conducted throughout an eight-year research initiative (2014-2022) provided valuable data on convenience factors and public perception toward a new approach to collecting deposit-bearing beverage containers in NB. The research project allowed to glimpse into the future of UBC management and observe emerging trends and best practices in other legislated beverage container management jurisdictions. Among the most significant observations were the growing emergence of both the bag-drop concept in automated centres and retailer participation. One of the most successful pilot projects in this research initiative, Re-Centre (Moncton), tested and gathered data on a UBC drop & go recycling experience (bag-drop) as a more convenient way for consumers to return their UBCs while optimizing labour productivity for RC operators. Participants provided support for the drop & go concept and wished to see it expand.
With the knowledge gathered from this research, Encorp began deploying technology tools in redemption centres (RCs) in 2022, such as its EnSys-Connex POS system. EnSys-Connex is part of Encorp’s payment system. Encorp provides this tracking system with sorting tables for operators at no cost. EnSys-Connex is also the foundation for Encorp’s upcoming express (drop & go) province-wide UBC recycling service, based on the success of Re-Centre, which will soon be launched.
Past Pilot Projects
Final Report on Pilot Projects (2014-2022)
This report marks the end of eight years of field trials that provided valuable data on convenience factors and public perception toward a new approach to collecting deposit-bearing containers in New Brunswick. The research and its related pilot projects allowed to glimpse into the future of post-consumer beverage container management. For more information or a copy of the report, please contact Encorp.

Description of Pilot Projects (2014-2022)

Re-Centre Pilot Project
Location: Moncton
Launched on Earth Day 2014 (April 22), Re-Centre consisted of self-serve drop-and-go (bag drop) beverage container collection test depots. Re-Centre users signed up online, received a membership card in the mail and used specially designed bags with bar-coded tags to collect their used beverage containers. Full bags were brought to any Re-Centre depot. At the depot, Re-Centre members needed only to scan their cards, followed by their bags, before depositing the bags inside the depot. Bags were picked up on a regular basis and processed off-site. Re-Centre members were credited for the deposit-bearing beverage containers in their bags within three business days via an online account.
Re-Centre operated with three locations in Moncton. Based on the success of the Re-Centre pilot project, Encorp is now hard at work refining and redesigning the drop-and-go model of the future for New Brunswick.

Re-Express Pilot Project

Re360 Pilot Project
Locations: Moncton, Dieppe, Rivière Verte, Fairisle
Encorp launched its Re360 green recycling boxes, made from post-consumer plastic and designed to fit 60 empty beverage containers, in April 2016 as a means to simplify the consumer’s and the redemption centre’s process. For each reusable box filled with 60 deposit-bearing containers, consumers received a $3 refund. The concept was that consumers who would use the Re360 boxes would have priority service when visiting a redemption centre: since the value of each box was set, they would not need to wait in line and would be able to leave immediately with their emptied boxes and a cash refund.
A few redemption centres in New Brunswick made Re360 boxes available to their customers during the initial pilot period. These include Valley Redemption Centre (Dieppe Babin Street location and Moncton Collishaw Street location), Maurice Thibodeau Redemption Centre (Rivière Verte) and Dépanneur Fairisle (Fairisle).

$2/40 Express Bag Pilot ProjectLAUNCHED: MAY 2015 Locations: Fredericton, Hanwell & Oromocto The $2/40 Express Bag pilot project was launched in the Fredericton area in May 2015 in cooperation with three redemption centres (Northside Redemption Centre in Fredericton, Southside Redemption Centre in Hanwell and Oromocto Redemption Centre in Oromocto). Special Express Bags were provided to consumers with instructions to fill them with 40 deposit-bearing containers for a fixed refund amount of $2. Using fixed-count bags allowed consumers using these bags to skip the line and receive priority service, thus reducing wait times. The concept was also meant to reduce labour costs for redemption centres as it presented a more efficient way to deal with the peaks and valleys of customer visits. Express Bags could be accumulated during peak times and processed during lows. The trial period for this pilot project ended in May 2017. |