NOTICE: New bulk bag pickup procedures + reminder to give drivers back worn/damaged bulk bags

Attention all NB redemption centres,

New Bulk Bag Pickup Procedures
Encorp has recently changed its EnSys scanning software to make bulk bag pickup and payment more efficient for drivers, redemption centres and our office. As a result, beginning Tuesday, October 26, 2021, we are implementing new scanning procedures for G.M. Rioux drivers. There will be a transition period of approximately one week to allow for software updates to take place.

This implies a slight change of procedures for redemption centre staff as well. Please refer to the attached posters showing instructions to follow for bulk bags being picked up by Nexgen and Regular Truck. Pay particular attention to the following:

  • For NEXGEN: New! Along with a printed packing slip, Nexgen trailer drivers will now give the tags from Sort #03 bags back to redemption centres for safekeeping once these have been scanned and removed from the bulk bags.
  • For REGULAR TRUCK: The procedures remain the same as before – no changes.

You will soon receive our entire poster series (including these new posters) with copies of your Fall RC Journal. We recommend displaying the posters in appropriate areas of your facility for staff reference.

Reminder to Give Drivers Back Worn/Damaged Bulk Bags
We have created a small poster to hang in your shipping/loading area, which employees can show drivers in the event they refuse to take back worn and/or damaged bulk bags from Encorp. You will be receiving a copy of this poster with your Fall RC Journal package.

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 |


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