Update on Research Projects

Re-Centre Extension
The Re-Centre automated bag-drop technology tested since 2014 will now move to a new phase. First, starting on September 1st, 2017, current Re-Centre units will be managed by existing redemption centre operators in the Moncton-Dieppe area. This will allow existing operators to acquire real-time experience with this technology. Secondly, we hope to test a new approach: using fix-count bags ($2/40) in a retail environment. Again, this unit will be automated, and those who sign-up to this pilot project will be able to get their container refund at the participating retailer. It’s expected that this unit will be situated in the parking lot of an existing retail/grocery store in the test region (Moncton). All three Re-Centre depots will be managed by redemption centre operators and will allow for a first-hand experience with this technology.

The reusable $3/60 box, made from recycled plastic and currently being tested in two redemption centres (Moncton and Dieppe) is showing promising results. Preliminary data so far indicates that customers are satisfied with the expediency of the program while participating redemption centres are stating that the accuracy is just fine. If your centre wants to take part in this pilot project, please send us a message.


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