Recycling Heroes in School Wraps Up A Successful First Year

Students from Académie Notre-Dame proudly display one of our Recycling Hero bins.

Encorp is excited to celebrate the outstanding achievements of schools participating in the inaugural year of our Recycling Heroes in School program. This initiative aims to promote environmental stewardship by encouraging students to recycle beverage containers. Encorp supports schools by providing recycling supplies, educational materials, funding, and assistance in connecting with local RCs.

At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, the top five schools based on UBCs recycled per student were:

1. Académie Notre-Dame (partner RC: Billy’s Bottle Exchange, Dalhousie)
2. École Léandre-LeGresley (partner RC: Recyclage Caraquet, Caraquet)
3. Chipman Forest Avenue School (partner RC: Sully’s Bottle Depot, Chipman)
4. Harvey High School (partner RC: Cole’s Bottle Depot, Harvey Station)
5. Rothesay High School (partner RC: Golden Mile Redemption Centre, Saint John)

These schools excelled by not only recycling from daily operations, but also engaging the community through bottle drives and encouraging the public to donate their UBCs, thus ensuring UBCs throughout their region were kept out of landfills. Their success stories will be shared this fall to inspire and recruit more schools into the program.

A big thank you to the partner RCs of these top schools and all RCs involved in our Recycling Heroes in School program for their efforts in sorting and counting the extra volume and crediting the schools via our EnSys-Connex POS system, which tracks each school’s progress. Collectively, the 50+ schools in the program recycled over 810,000 containers during the 2023-2024 school year. We aim to expand the program annually. Interested schools can sign up for free on our Recycling Heroes in School webpage.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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