Re-Centre Pilot Project Expands to Include Cardboard and E-Waste

Re-Centre recycling depot for used beverage containers, e-waste and cardboard

This year on Earth Day, Encorp celebrated with the launch of collection containers for e-waste and corrugated cardboard at the Mountain Road Re-Centre location. This initiative is in collaboration with the Regional Services Commission (RSC #7).

Re-Centre pilot project participants can simply scan their member cards to unlock and open the doors of the new recycling units to drop off these items. All types of cardboard are accepted. A detailed list of accepted end-of-life electronics is posted on the website and has been communicated to participants.

So far, the additional service has proven very popular with Re-Centre pilot project participants. This latest initiative proves that one can have a recycling centre approach while partnering with other stakeholders to attract even more traffic to your existing redemption centre business.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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