Re-Centre Member Shares How Recycling with Re-Centre Makes It Easy to Help Those in Need.

Thank you to Encorp’s Re-Centre pilot project member Gary Meade for sharing this inspiring testimonial.

“I have been a member of the Re-Centre project since almost the beginning. About three years ago, my wife Susan and I began dedicating all deposits refund money in our Re-Centre account to, which is an organization that provides micro-loans to parts of the world where typical banking is not available. My goal is to fund individuals and groups in the agricultural category to help with world hunger. We have lent over $750 so far! Re-Centre has enabled us to more easily help out those in need!”

Bravo Gary and Susan! Such a great idea!

We love hearing how recycling with Re-Centre has helped members accumulate money for special projects and endeavours! We especially love hearing about this type of philanthropy! This is early in the project, we introduced a donation option in the Re-Centre account. This option allows Re-Centre members o donate part or the entirety of their beverage container deposits refund to registered Canadian charities in just a few clicks.

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