Notice to Redemption Centres Regarding Lids on Plastic Bottles

Encorp has been notified that drivers have been requesting redemption centres (RCs) to remove the lids/caps from plastic bottles. We are aware of the challenges faced by our service provider, Hebert’s Recycling, with their compaction trucks and processing center when plastic bottles still have lids on. We are actively working with them to address this issue.

Encorp values the ability of redemption centre customers to keep the lids on their empty plastic bottles, as it aligns with upcoming federal guidelines on plastic recycling.

To address the situation temporarily until we find a more permanent solution, new guidelines from Encorp for customers will state that lids can be left on or off. If left on, customers are encouraged to remove the air from the bottle by crushing it before putting the lid back on.

We ask redemption centres to start informing their customers about these new guidelines. Please note that your employees are NOT required to remove lids or start crushing bottles. Continue accepting the bottles in the condition that they are received from your customers and simply provide them with information for their next visit.

Customer education materials (handouts) will be sent to all redemption centres by courier in the coming days (see below and click on image to enlarge). We will also be doing a customer education campaign via our website and social media.

We thank all redemption centres for their cooperation in this matter.


More information

Gilles Doucette
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic

[email protected]

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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