New Brand Owner Portal to Come – Winter 2024!

Communications will increase this coming winter as we near the April 1, 2024, start of the new extended producer responsibility (EPR) Beverage Containers Program in New Brunswick.

Beverage product brand owners represented by Encorp as their Agent for the new EPR Beverage Containers Program will need to report sales and remit to us deposits and container recycling fees (CRFs) for the deposit-bearing beverage containers they sell in New Brunswick.

To make this process much easier and faster, we will launch a Brand Owner Portal that will be live as of April 1, 2024. A few weeks before April 1, we will contact all our registered brand owners, offering username and login details as well as training on accessing this online reporting system.

For now, all companies currently reporting sales and remitting beverage container deposits to Encorp under the current Beverage Containers Program must continue doing so using the same Beverage Container Deposit Remittance Forms available on our website for deposits owed up to and including March 31, 2024. Our new online reporting system (Brand Owner Portal) will only be used to report deposits and CRFs that will be in effect starting April 1, 2024, and thus collected on or after that date.

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 |


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