Focus on Youth Recyclers – Encorp’s Earth Day Celebration Event for New EPR Beverage Containers Program to Take Place at Local High School

MONCTON, NB – APRIL 17, 2024 – Encorp Atlantic/Encorp Atlantique (“Encorp”) will showcase its vision for the New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program, now under an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model, during an Earth Day celebration event focusing on youth recyclers at Rothesay High School on Monday, April 22, 2024.

Since April 1, 2024, the Beverage Containers Program falls under the Designated Materials Regulation of the Clean Environment Act, overseen by Recycle NB, joining other EPR recycling/waste management programs. Encorp – the not-for-profit producer responsibility organization designated to manage the new EPR Beverage Containers Program – looks forward to driving change and innovation to enhance the recovery of deposit-bearing beverage containers in New Brunswick.

As this new EPR Program continues to make strides, including providing full refunds on beverage container deposits, Encorp acknowledges the pivotal role of youth in waste reduction and environmental preservation. Encorp is thus intensifying efforts to expand its Recycling Heroes in School Program, which equips schools with supplies and logistical support for collecting and recycling beverage containers. This initiative is available to all schools across the province and aims to foster a culture of recycling among youth.

At the Earth Day Event, student recycling ambassadors from Rothesay High School, a top performer among enrolled schools, will showcase their fundraising efforts through the daily collection and recycling of beverage containers at their school and community bottle drives. Representatives from Recycle NB and Encorp will present on the future of beverage container recycling in New Brunswick.


Date/Time: Monday, April 22, 2024, at 10:30 a.m.

Location:  Rothesay High School, 61 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB (event will take place in the school’s library).

Speakers: Pierre Landry, CEO, Encorp Atlantic; Erik Matchett, Chair, Recycle NB; Rothesay High School Recycling Ambassadors with their teachers Josh Little & Nicole Erving.


Encorp Atlantic is a not-for-profit producer responsibility organization (PRO) located in Moncton and representing over 300 beverage product brand owners who sell/distribute beverage products in the province of New Brunswick. Encorp is responsible for recycling services/management of these brand owners’ post-consumer deposit-bearing beverage containers. To learn more, visit

Recycle NB is a provincial organization whose role is to oversee waste reduction programs for designated materials and provide environmental stewardship for New Brunswick. For more information about our programs, please visit


More information

Nathalie Landry
Director of Marketing & Communications, Encorp Atlantic
Office: 506.389.7338
[email protected]

Paula White
Communications Manager, Recycle NB
Office: 506.474.8473
[email protected]

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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