Focus on Youth Recyclers – Earth Day Celebration Event

Encorp celebrated the New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program, now under an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model, during an Earth Day event at Rothesay High School on Monday, April 22, 2024.  

Representatives from Recycle NB and Encorp made short speeches on the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Beverage Containers Program. Media, as well as representatives from the Department of Environment and Climate Change, were in attendance.   

We felt that doing an Earth Day celebration event focused on youth recyclers – by shining a spotlight on our Recycling Heroes in School Programwould be a great reminder of the importance of recycling education among youth. Student Recycling Ambassadors from Rothesay High School, one of the top performing schools currently enrolled in this program, were asked to do a short presentation on how they fundraise through the daily collection and recycling of beverage containers at their school and community bottle drives. 

It was great to see these young recyclers talk so enthusiastically about beverage container recycling and the impact it has had on them and their school. Currently, the 50 schools enrolled in our school program have recycled over 650,000 containers, on track to achieve nearly one million by the end of the school year. We will be tallying up final counts and announcing our 2023-2024 school year prize winners in June. Stay tuned! 

Our Recycling Heroes in School Program is available to all schools across the province and aims to foster a culture of recycling among youth. Interested schools can apply by filling out the application form on our website at

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