Collection Schedule Procedures (Hebert’s Recycling)

To all redemption centre (RC) operators,

There have been collection inquiries and concerns pertaining to either not receiving pickups as per the collection schedule provided by Hebert’s Recycling, or not getting supplies replaced during pickups at your centres. After hearing these concerns, the following procedures are being implemented by Encorp Atlantic:

  • Hebert’s will call RCs the day before the scheduled pickup day to determine the volume of material (bulk bags) the RC has for pickup. If RCs cannot be reached after two attempts, Hebert’s will plan their pickup schedule based on the previous pickup volumes collected.
  • Hebert’s will develop a pickup schedule based on the volume of material reported by each RC and will publish the RC pickup schedules on their website by 3:00 pm for the following business day.
  • Hebert’s drivers will follow the scheduled pickups given to them. They will be instructed to ONLY pick up the number of bulk bags reported from each RC and ONLY drop off enough supplies to replace the supplies picked up. There will be NO exceptions unless Hebert’s has been previously contacted for special circumstances/events (e.g., planned bottle drives, etc.).
  • Above all else, all parties involved are expected to be respectful and professional to one another. Any form of harassment in the workplace WILL NOT be tolerated.

These procedures are being implemented with the intent to standardize the collection process and to improve the collections within the network. It is very important that RCs provide counts “as accurate as possible” to ensure that there are very few interruptions in the collection schedule. Please get in touch with Gilles Doucette, Director of Operations, if you have any questions about this or other matters.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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