Ceramic Beverage Container Pickups – First Two Weeks of December

Hello redemption centre operators,

We mentioned in July that Encorp would be arranging special pickups in the fall for the ceramic containers that redemption centres (RCs) collect. Please prepare all the ceramic containers that you have collected so far for pickup, as Rayan will be collecting these containers from all RCs during their scheduled glass pickups in the first two weeks of December.

As a reminder, Alcool NB Liquor stopped selling beverage products packaged in ceramic containers earlier this year, and we will no longer be accepting and issuing refunds for these containers after March 31, 2024.

For now, please continue to collect and issue refunds for ceramic beverage containers, entering the quantities in Sort 18 – Glass Large (Brown) to track them for payment in the EnSys-Connex POS system. However, make sure to always set ceramic containers aside and NEVER mix them with Sort 18 containers or any other containers.

For RCs without EnSys-Connex, tag the ceramic containers as Sort 18 prior to Rayan’s pickup, as this will ensure you are properly paid for the handling and reimbursement of these containers.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and adherence to these instructions. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Operations, Gilles Doucette.


More information

Gilles Doucette
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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