Happy 5th Anniversary Re-Centre!

Re-Centre is celebrating its 5th year anniversary this summer! Encorp Atlantic has learned a lot from this pilot project and is now working on the next generation Re-Centre model to make improvements on the current version.

We thank all Re-Centre members for their continued support and feedback. The two current Re-Centre depots in Moncton will remain at their current locations for the foreseeable future and may see some adjustments. We are always happy to receive feedback from Re-Centre members – if you have any comments to share, send us a message at info@re-centre.ca or via our Facebook page.

We wish all Re-Centre members a beautiful, enjoyable summer! Keep recycling!

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | info@encorpatl.ca


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