New Refillable Beer Bottles (Corona Extra & Corona Sunbrew)

Attention all redemption centre operators,

New refillable beer bottles will be coming into effect on January 2, 2025. The new refillable beer bottles (Corona Extra and Corona Sunbrew) are Corona proprietary beer bottles. The Corona proprietary bottles are clear, and their size and shape are similar to the other refillable beer bottles currently on the market.

Like with the Miller proprietary bottle, the Corona proprietary beer bottles do not have threads at the very top (the lid cannot be screwed back on the bottle). These bottles will, however, be very easy to identify:

  • Look for a marking of a bottle on the neck of the bottle. The marking will be white on Corona Extra bottles, and the marking will be blue on Corona Sunbrew bottles.
  • Look for “Corona Extra” or “Corona Sunbrew” branding on the label.

Like other proprietary refillable beer bottles, Corona bottles will need to be palletized separately. Cardboard cases of Corona Extra and Corona Sunbrew can be stacked on the same pallet. However, individual cases should contain only either Corona Extra bottles OR Corona Sunbrew bottles. The two different products should never be mixed in the same case together.

With this new addition to refillables, we are providing you with an updated illustrated guide How to Sort and Bulk Beverage ContainersRefillable Glass (Sort/SKU 27). (Please note that you will also soon receive a printed version by mail, and we encourage you to replace the old illustrated guide with the revised one in your Operations & Logistics binder when you receive it.)

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Gilles Doucette,
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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