Grade 2 Students at Salem Elementary Lead Peers in Recycling Beverage Containers at School

Salem Elementary’s Grade 2 English class is using beverage container recycling in their school to raise money to buy reusable lunch bags/containers. What a neat idea and an excellent way to create awareness of the environmental importance of reducing, reusing and recycling!

The school contacted Encorp and we were very happy to provide the grade 2 class – shown here – with our green re360 plastic bins to put in each classroom to help them collect their fellow students’ empty beverage containers.

Thanks to teacher Lana Nicole Ward and principal Ada Phinney for initiating this collaboration! Best of luck to the students with their recycling and fundraising efforts!

We have many more plastic recycling bins available! 
We encourage schools to contact us if they would like some of our green plastic bins to get students involved in collecting and recycling empty deposit-bearing beverage containers. Each bin has a “re360” logo on it – meaning it is designed to hold approximately 60 containers (one can thus expect an average $3.00 refund for each bin’s content). The bins can be brought once full to any redemption centre and reused many, many times, which helps avoid reliance on single-use plastic bags when returning and redeeming empty beverage containers.


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