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Recycling Beverage Containers – New Brunswick Beverage Containers Program

Clean Environment Act

A set of regulations in New Brunswick intended to help maintain a sustainable environment through the management of materials and actions that can impact the environment.

Designated Materials Regulation

One of the regulations under the Clean Environment Act dealing with the management of various waste materials, including used beverage containers.

Recycle NB

Arms-length government agency responsible for overseeing all waste management programs for materials specified in the New Brunswick Designated Materials Regulation.

Encorp Atlantic

Not-for-profit producer responsibility organization (PRO) responsible for managing the extended producer responsibility (EPR) Beverage Containers Program on behalf of over 300 beverage product brand owners who sell/distribute beverage products in the province of New Brunswick. Encorp is dedicated to constantly increasing deposit-beverage container recovery rates in the province and improving the overall environmental performance of the Program.

Eastern Recyclers Association

Non-profit industry association with two divisions – one in Nova Scotia and one in New Brunswick. In New Brunswick, its members are independent small businesses that operate redemption centres.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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