Students Turn Recycling Into an Entrepreneurial Project at École Champlain

We love seeing schools embrace recycling!

Encorp recently delivered plastic recycling bins to École Champlain in Moncton to support Ms. Julie’s Grade 8 classes’ entrepreneurial project “Recyclons moussaillons!“. Her students had identified a real need in the school: they did not have recycling bins for bottles, cans, juice boxes, etc. Now, thanks to Encorp, each class has its own recycling bin! The students involved in the project will be responsible for collecting the bins in each class once full, and bringing the filled bins to a local redemption centre of their choice to receive the deposit refunds, which will contribute to the school’s fundraising efforts! Bravo!

Did you know? We have many more plastic recycling bins available! We encourage schools to contact us if they would like some of our green plastic bins to get students involved in collecting and recycling empty deposit-bearing beverage containers. Each bin has a “re360” logo on it – meaning it is designed to hold approximately 60 containers (one can thus expect an average $3.00 refund for each bin’s content). The bins can be brought once full to any redemption centre and reused many, many times, which helps avoid reliance on single-use plastic bags when returning and redeeming empty beverage containers.

© 2025 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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