Notice to Redemption Centres – New Rayan Bulk Bag

Attention all redemption centres,

Our service provider for glass beverage container pickups – Rayan – will soon add a new bulk bag to the bulking materials for Encorp’s glass sorts at redemption centres (RCs). See the image below.

RCs are expected to start receiving this new bulk bag as of June 12, 2023, during regular pickups. Rayan will notify each RC the day before the initial rollout takes place.

Pallets will be provided for these new bulk bags. Each bag/pallet will be identified with the Rayan name and a number.

RCs can attach the yellow shipping tag to any exposed bag handle.

It is very important that the soft flap remains on the outside of the bulk bag (as shown in the photo below).

Note that Rayan will also continue to provide tubs to all RCs. Both Rayan tubs and these new Rayan bulk bags will now be the acceptable bulking containers to pack and ship all Encorp’s glass sorts. As always, we ask RCs to ensure no contamination occurs by ensuring that only glass – no other materials – are placed in Rayan tubs and bulk bags.


More information

Gilles Doucette
Director of Operations
Encorp Atlantic
[email protected]

© 2024 Encorp Atlantic        506-389-7320 | 1-877-389-7320 | [email protected]


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